Q&A with Vanessa on style & sustainability

Dig deeper into my own personal style, passions and sustainable fashion tips.

What’s my personal style?
I’m a style maximinst. I love different fabrics, colours, shapes and styles!

What’s my go-to colour palette?
For me, my most suited colours fall within the blue colour tones. Navy blue looks best next to my skin tone, sky blue works best with my eyes and hair and a classic blue denim is my best suited jean. I own alot of neutral tones too, cream, beige, earthy browns and khaki. When I’m in doubt I always throw a black blazer into an outfit mix. I have so many different types so if something just isn’t pulling together I will always start with throwing one of those on!

How do I bring sustainability into what I do?
It’s no secret the world of fashion sadly has alot to answer for when it comes to landfill, pollution and at worse - forced labour. I’ve been guilty of trend buying myself and now that I understand how to continue my love of fashion without further harming the planet I’m obsessed with helping my clients do the same. I’m a huge charity shop shopper, established vinted customer and seller and I understand what fabrics are least harmful to the planet. If I buy something new, I take my time in reading the clothes labels and I’m happy to invest in pieces that are made in environments where forced labour hasn’t taken place. I don’t believe in re-inventing the wheel, I search high and low on all of the second hand clothes apps from vinted to vestiaire collective. I would always much rather buy 2nd hand than brand new and there are so many tricks and tips you can use to find current trends that are well made and already in circulation, it’s also a much more fun and rewarding way to shop!

What is my last minute, I need to leave in 10 seconds style hack?

When I’m feeling pushed for time and I haven’t pre-planned what I want to wear to an event my go to formula is a trouser/jean, structured basic and an oversized piece. This can mean, tapered jeans or trousers, an oversized waistcoat and a structure blazer or wide leg jeans or trousers, a structured top and an oversized coat. in the final 10 seconds before leaving - hair up tight, big earrings and a metallic shoe. done. In the picture below I had approximately 5 minutes before i had to leave the house! wide leg trouser, structured top, oversized blaze - you cant see my shoes by they are silver!


Why a capsule wardrobe might not be for you